Beginning with a parish retreat in November of 2018, St.
John’s has been seeking to identify how God is calling us to
serve our community. We were blessed in 2018 with
significant financial bequests and through town halls, open
meetings and discussions at Parish Council, we have been
prayerfully discerning our baptismal ministry and how to
use our gifts wisely, faithfully and effectively, ensuring fiscal
sustainability for the physical structure and internal ministry
of St. John’s while responding to our call to serve the wider
Approximately 25 people were present at the open meeting
here at St. John’s on Apr 25 where some of the needs of
the community were shared by Aaron Tompkins from SF
Police Services; Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Lanark Cty,
Wendy Alford, Town Council, Rev. Christopher Ryan of
Trinity Church, Pastor David Stead of First Baptist, Larry
Allen of Rotary, and others. Notes from this meeting were
taken. Paul Howard facilitated the meeting, explaining that
St. John’s was looking to help the community in responding
to serious need, and that the hope was we could partner
with other agencies (private/public) to help make a
significant, long term impact in order to help our
Community. There was very positive energy and
excitement generated in the possibilities that were
presented. No decisions or promises were made. The
meeting was an information gathering session only. Open
discussion was held at the May Parish Council meeting
reflecting on the information received.
Since then a working group comprised of Canon
Catherine, Karen Bryan, Brenda Ferguson, Paul
Howard, Tammy Mulrooney and Kathy Porter has been
struck to investigate more fully further possible projects and
areas of ministry in response to some of these community
needs. Some members of the group met with
representatives from Rideau Community Health Services to
learn more about hopes for an integrated health hub and
residential hospice and other people attended information
sessions offered at Trinity United Church about Lanark
County Community Resources, food security, emergency
shelter and transportation needs.
Next steps
Members of the working group will continue to gather
information around possible ideas, aligning the community
needs with passions and assets that have been recorded by
members of the congregation during these past months.
Corporation will meet with the Treasurer to develop a
financial plan that will ensure fiscal sustainability for the
parish while allowing us to invest in ministry and mission
opportunities that will serve the wider community by
sharing our possessions and possibilities.
Discussion around possibilities will continue at Parish
Council. As a way forward becomes clear, information will
be shared with the parish. Any decision around a major
project will go to Vestry for approval.
Our Outreach Committee will continue to do its work in
managing the disbursements towards local outreach
What can you do?
This is an exciting time for the church and for St. John’s in
particular. Your input and your thoughts are important.
Please continue to pray about what we are called to do.
Please continue to support the ministries that feed and
nurture those who call St. John’s their spiritual home.
Please share your ideas and suggestions with members of
the working group and if you have any questions, please
feel free to approach Canon Catherine or one of the Church