Psalm 90:14,"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love."
I like singing, but when I read the Psalms I find words about enemies!
Is David talking about King David, or the historical enemies, like the Egyptians, or the Philistines or the Assyrians, or the Babylonians or is it more personal? We all have enemies, opposition at work, enemies within, a feeling of evil and so on. How do we deal with our enemies?
Psalms about Protection!
There are Psalms that tell us God does not want his people to be at the mercy of their enemies. God will take care of us and protect us. Ps.23:1,"The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want." The image of being cared for by God gives us courage to face difficulties within and without.
God will actively protect us. God will hide us under the shadow of his wings. Ps.17:8. The imagery of birds protecting their young can apply to us. Divine help is there for us.
Psalms for the future!
We are not the victims of circumstances, say in the present day. We believe in a God who can make all things new. Rev.21:5. I call to mind the Newman hymn, "New every morning is thy love." It was inspired by Lamentations 3:24,"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning great is your faithfulness"
God's love, mercy and salvation remain for us with the dawning of each new day. Faith is the answer, however simple that may sound. In response to those who oppose us, our enemies , we should remember Jesus' words, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Mt. 5.44. Then there is mercy and forgiveness. By loving God and believing in Him, we also receive his divine grace and power.
Growing up in the blitz in Coventry, the words of Jesus, repeated by the Provost of the Cathedral from Lk.23:34, still move,"Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
Surely that is the song that should give us hope and direct and rule our lives, despite life's difficulties and disasters.